Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I love this song and video by Sara Bareillas. My 6 year old likes to sing to this one when it comes on in the car and I love the message it sends. (what a mom thing of me to say, I know)

If you haven't heard (or seen the video) take a listen! Pure clean fun and inspiring!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Summertime Sadness

I love Fall, but I've got a little Summertime Sadness too. Anyone else?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Living a simple Life

I've recently joined the MNN website/network, and have signed up for MNN Clean the Clutter Challenge!

Basically, it is all about living a more simple life, and what you can do over the course of a year to do so. Baby steps!!

There is a simplify your wardrobe challenge- which starts on October 1 and sounds interesting, But I don't think I'm ready for that one just yet. So, here is the basic items that I have vowed to work on over the course of the next 10 days. Some of these things I have already been doing for the past few months, but some are new additions. My goal is to go really hardcore on the below items for the next 10 days. I will post updates as to how I am doing too.

The items are divided into 3 categories; Shape Up, Pare Down, Tune In

shape up: more water/tea
more dinners “IN” (less eating OUT)
exercise 5 days a week
in bed by 10pm and- no internet (including iPhone) after 10pm
pare down: declutter for 15 minutes a day!
tune in: spend more time outdoors
spend time at least one day doing one “artistic” thing per week (photography, soap-making etc..)